Terug naar overzicht Hyperrealistic Fishing Experience

Big Game Fishing

  • Personen 1-2
  • Intensiteit intensief tot zeer intensief
  • Interactiviteit analoog
  • Gameplay teamplay

Cast Your Line in the Poseidon Simulator

Surrender to the whims of the sea! The concept is simple: one person controls the boat, while the other fishes. With the Poseidon simulator, you and your teammate reel in the world’s largest scaled behemoths. 1 kilo? 10 kilos? Or a sea monster weighing 100 kilos? You decide!

Hyperrealistic Fishing Experience

No need to fly to the Caribbean anymore to indulge in this expensive sport. The simulator is designed by professional fishermen. The result? A hyperrealistic fishing experience in a boat that rotates 360 degrees with a wingspan of up to 3 meters. Let the endorphins rush through your body during this full-body workout. Aaaaarrrr!


Niet geschikt voor 100% afhankelijke rolstoelgebruikers

Zwangere vrouwen

Niet toegankelijk


Tot 160 kilogram


Vanaf 1,50 meter